Eggbert's House

Hi! My name is Stephen and welcome to my site! I like drawing (although you won't see any here), and more importantly... Video Games! My favourite genre are RPG's if you couldnt tell. Some of my favorites include Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI and VII, Undertale, OFF, OMORI, and Pokemon to name a few.

My interests are not limited to just RPG's though! Give me any genre and ill probably enjoy it! (except MOBA's, those are the exception.) Some of my fav's are Terraria, Guilty Gear, Mystery VN's like Ace Attorney and Zero Escape, and Cave Story to name a few.

Links to the side are going to be my socials and sites I think are cool, go check em out!

  more space waow!

for exmaples of what I added to this section, you can look at my site, or you can do whatever else you'd like here! it's pretty small, but you can edit the code to make it whatever size you want B-)

example todo list